Why We Are Better
1. We do not allow spam nor do we allow email and picture hunters on our site!
2. All ads can run for up to 14 days. Longer than any other site.
3. You will receive an email every time a new ad is posted in your area. You just select which categories you want to be notified in under email preferences.
4. If you do get spam in our message center, you just select the Spam Button and we will review message and we will delete the spammer if we determine it is spam.
5. When your ad is about to expire, you will receive an email notifying you.
6. When you receive a new message in our Message Center, you will also receive an email notifying you.
7. We DO NOT give out any personal information! Only your first name and city appear in any ad you post or in any correspondence through our email center. You give out your information when you want.
8. Your ads are posted immediately. No delay in time.
9. There is no posting limit to the amount of ads you can post.(Unlimited account only)
10. We don't have a movie about our website with KILLER in the title.